Tefillah Tips - Lakel Baruch Neimot Yitaynu

Lakel Baruch Neimot Yitaynu….Zemirot Yomayru Vetishbachot Yashmiyu – To G-d they give sweet melodies…. They speak songs and proclaim praises…..

The angelic expressions of awe and inspiration continue as they speak songs and proclaim praises. The commentaries explain why the songs/zemirot are spoken and why the praises/Tishbachot are proclaimed.

The Baruch Sheamar is quoted saying that the zemirot/songs that are said are genuine expressions of love and admiration. The praises that are proclaimed publicize and express to the masses the greatness, beauty and perfection of G-d’s deeds.

The Rambam explains that part of loving Hashem is sharing Him with the world around us. It is not enough to keep the beauty of Torah and Mitzvoth hidden in a box for those that are blessed to have encountered it. Like the angels we must not only sing the songs but also proclaim the praises.

The Siach Yitzchak adds that the zemirot that are sung self inspire those that sing. The tishbachot/praises are for the benefit of the listeners.

There is a fundamental lesson to understand from this verse - Only those that are inspired can inspire. Only those that are enamored will enamor others. Only those that are genuine will impact others to be genuine as well.

This is a great rule in cultivating a marriage, parenting children and simply being a member of Klal Yisrael. We are all responsible for one another; we can all teach one another and grow from one another.

May we all emulate the angels above and say songs of inspiration so that we will be moved to proclaim praises to all Jews so that we will all be able to sing praises and declarations at the rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem – amen.

Shabbat Shalom. Rabbi Ephraim Epstein