Yom Kippur 5779

Why is the bracha on candles different on Yom Kippur than for that of other Yomim Tovim?

Why do we light candles on Yom Kippur in the first place?

(Making brachot on minhagim)

The Gemara says Yom Kippur is a joyous day either because we attain atonement and forgiveness or because we received the second luchot? Why are the ten commandments written on stone? Why is the tragedy of the 17th of Tammuz that the luchot were broken - what about Chet HaEgel! Are the second luchot simply a replacement or are they different?

We learn the concept of אין לך בן חורין אלא מי שעוסק בתורה from the engraving of the luchot. What does this connection teach us?

Yom Kippur and תשובה מאהבה