Noach 5779

(The Babylonian names of the Hebrew months and the correct name of מרחשון)

The Gemara asks: why is everything being destroyed, mankind is the only one who corrupted its ways?

The Pasuk of ואני ברוב חסדך אבוא ביתך begins with a "ו", the previous pasuk says Hashem destroys those who speak falsehood. The Gemara applies this to the generation of the flood. This seems to apply that Noach was only saved because of G-d's kindness?

If Elokim connotes God's power, then why do we specifically use the name Elokim to indicate Man being made in the image of God (צלם אלקים)?

Bet HaLevi: Why do Chazal compare Noach specifically to אברהם?