1,138. Reclining on Seder Night

Chometz u’Matzah 7:7

When a person eats on Seder night, he must eat and drink while reclining in the manner of free people. Everyone, both men and women, must drink four cups of wine, no less. Even a needy person who is supported by charity should not have less than four cups. Each of these cups should be a reviis in volume (about 3.3 ounces).

Chometz u’Matzah 7:8

Even a needy person may not eat until he reclines.Women are not obligated to recline, though an important woman must do so. A son reclines in the presence of his father and a servant reclines in the presence of his employer but a student does not recline in the presence of his teacher unless the teacher grants him permission. Reclining is only on one’s left side; doing so on one's right, back or front does not qualify as reclining. One must recline when eating the olive-sized portion of matzah and when drinking the four cups of wine. When eating and drinking at other times during the Seder, it is praiseworthy to recline but not obligatory.