1,137. Pesach, Matzah and Maror

Chometz u’Matzah 7:5

Whoever does not discuss the following three things on the night of 15 Nisan has not fulfilled his obligation: the Passover offering, the matzah and the maror. The Passover offering was offered because God passed over the houses of our ancestors in Egypt as per Exodus 12:27, “You shall say, ‘It is the Passover offering to God.’” Maror is eaten because the Egyptians embittered the lives of our ancestors in Egypt. Matzah is eaten because of the redemption. These statements are collectively known as the Haggadah.

Chometz u’Matzah 7:6

In every generation, one must view himself as if he personally has left slavery in Egypt, as per Deuteronomy 6:23, “He took us out from there.” Regarding this, God commands us in Deuteronomy 5:15, “Remember that you were a slave,” meaning that each person should consider himself a slave who was redeemed and freed.