1,071. Community Needs on Chol HaMoed

Hilchos Shvisas Yom Tov 7:9

Whenever a labor that is needed for yom tov is performed by a professional on chol hamoed, it must be done discreetly. For example, hunters, millers and vintners who intend to sell their wares in the marketplace must do their labors discreetly for yom tov needs. If these labors are not being done for yom tov needs, the wares produced are prohibited. If they perform the labors for yom tov but they have wares left over, these remaining wares may be used.

Hilchos Shvisas Yom Tov 7:10

On chol hamoed, we may perform labors that are necessary for the general community. For example, we may fix breaches in public waterworks, repair highways and roads, and dig wells, trenches and pits for the public. We may dig conduits so that the people will have drinking water, store water in public wells and pits, and fix cracks in these. We may remove thorns from the road and measure mikvas. When the volume of water in a mikvah is insufficient, we may direct water to fill it up.