1,070. Preparing Food for Yom Tov on Chol HaMoed

Hilchos Shvisas Yom Tov 7:7

If there’s food that one wants to pickle and it can be ready to eat on yom tov, it may be pickled on chol hamoed. If the pickled food won’t be ready until after yom tov, it may not be pickled on chol hamoed. One may catch as many fish as he is able on chol hamoed and then salt all of them because it is possible to eat them on yom tov if he squeezes them repeatedly until they are soft.

Hilchos Shvisas Yom Tov 7:8

One may ferment beer on chol hamoed for yom tov; if it is not for yom tov, it is prohibited. This applies to both date beer and barley beer. Even if one already has aged beer, he may act disingenuously and make beer to drink on yom tov because this will not be obvious to others. The same is true in other comparable situations.