1,051. The Yom Tov Boundary for Produce and Water

Shvisas Yom Tov 5:13

If a person left produce in another city for safekeeping and the residents of that city made an eiruv techumin to enable them to visit the owner’s city on yom tov, they may not bring the owner his produce. This is because the produce follows the boundary of its owner even though it was entrusted to the people who made the eiruv. This is the case when the people entrusted with the produce designated a spot for it. If they did not designate a spot for it, then its yom tov boundary follows the people watching it.

Shvisas Yom Tov 5:14

Water in a well that belongs to one person follows the yom tov boundary of its owner; that of a publicly-owned well follows the boundary of the city’s residents. Regarding the wells made for those making pilgrimage from Babylonia, which are donated to the public generally, the water drawn follows the boundary of the one who drew it. Whoever draws water may bring it with him wherever he is permitted to go. Flowing springs follow the boundaries of all people. Even if water flows in from outside the boundary, we may draw water from these springs on Shabbos, so it goes without saying that we may certainly do so on yom tov.