900. Honoring Shabbos

Shabbos 30:2

Honor refers to the rabbinic statement that it is a mitzvah for one to wash his face, hands and feet in hot water on Friday in honor of Shabbos. One should wrap himself in tzitzis and sit respectfully waiting to receive Shabbos as one greets a king. The Sages of earlier generations would gather their students on Friday, wrap themselves and say, “Come, let us go and greet the Shabbos king!”

Shabbos 30:3

Another way to honor Shabbos is by wearing clean clothes. One's Shabbos clothes should not resemble his weekday clothes. If a person does not have a special Shabbos garment, he should wear his robe lower than usual so that his Shabbos clothes will be different from his weekday clothes. Ezra enacted that people should launder their clothes on Thursday as a means of honoring Shabbos.