866. More About a Corpse on Shabbos

Shabbos 26:22

If a corpse is lying in the sun but there is no shady place to move it, or if the people don’t want to move it, then two people should come and sit on either side of the body. If it’s too uncomfortable for them, they may bring couches to sit upon. If it’s too hot, they may bring mats to spread over the couches. Later, they may overturn the couches and remove them. (This leaves the mats hanging over the body.) By doing this, a covering for the body “just happens.”

Shabbos 26:23

If a corpse in a house is starting to stink, which is a disgrace to the deceased’s honor, the body may be moved into a carmelis (the quasi-public domain). This is permitted because human dignity is so important that it can even override a Torah prohibition, in this case “Do not deviate right or left from the words that they tell you” (Deuteronomy 17:11 – the prohibition against violating rabbinic enactments). If the people have someplace else they can go, they may not move the body. Rather, the body should be left where it is and the people should go elsewhere.