770. Other Prohibited Ornaments

Shabbos 19:6

A woman should not go out on Shabbos with strands of wool or linen, or other straps, woven among her hair. These would have to be removed when she immerses in a mikvah so there is a concern that she might come to carry them in the public domain. She should likewise not go out wearing a headband across her forehead nor with golden bangles that hang from such a headband if they are not tied to her head covering. She may not go out wearing a gold tiara nor with the ankle chains worn by unmarried girls to limit the length of their strides. All of these are prohibited out of the likelihood that they may fall off and come to be carried by hand.

Shabbos 19:7

A woman may not go out on Shabbos wearing a necklace, a nose ring, a bottle of perfume on her arm, a pouch for balsam oil, a wig to fill out her hair, a facial pad, a false tooth, or a gold crown that covers a bad tooth. She may go out with a silver tooth because it is not so obvious. All these were likewise prohibited out of concern that they may fall off and come to be carried or that she may remove them in order to show a friend.