771. Prohibited Ornaments in a Courtyard With No Eiruv

Shabbos 19:8

Whenever the Sages prohibited wearing something in a public domain, it is likewise prohibited to go out wearing such an item in a courtyard that has no eiruv. An exception is made for a woman’s facial pad and wig, which she may wear in a courtyard that has no eiruv in order to enhance her appearance. If a woman goes out carrying a bottle with no perfume in it, she is liable.

Shabbos 19:9

A woman may go out wearing strands of hair among her own hair. Unlike the strands of wool and linen in halacha 19:6, these would not be considered an interposition when immersing in a mikvah, so there’s no concern that she might remove them and carry them in the public domain. This is the case regardless of whether the strands come from her own hair, another woman’s hair or an animal. However, an older woman should not go out wearing strands from the hair of a young woman because she might remove them to show them to a friend. A young woman may go out wearing strands from the hair of an older woman. A woman may go out wearing any woven hair-covering.