Who's Behind Anti-Semitism?

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Throughout the ages, the Jewish people have been persecuted by the nations of the world. Chazal call us: "כבש בין שבעין זאבין"- A sheep amongst seventy wolves. We say in the Haggadah: "בכל דור ודור עומדים עלינו לכלותינו"-In every generation they are strategizing how to wipe us out. "והקדוש ברוך הוא מצילינו מידם"- And Hashem protects us from them. We know that Hashem is the guardian of Israel. We also have to know that Hashem is the nations of the world as well. Nobody has any power other than Hashem. Therefore, our enemies are nothing more than His messengers. Even anti-Semitism is from Hashem.

We do not understand the ways of Hashem. But we know that everything that happens is controlled and is best for us. Chazal describe anti-Semitism with the phrase: "הלכה, עשו שונא את יעקב"- It is a fact- Esav hates Yaakov. This deep rooted hatred that Esav developed for Yaakov began in this week's Parasha, Toledot. If we analyze the story carefully, we will see that it was brought about by Hashem.

Yitzchak told Esav to go hunt for food and prepare him a meal. Afterwards, he would eat it and give him a Beracha. Rivka was told in a prophecy that Yaakov should pretend to be Esav in order to get that blessing instead. Yaakov followed the instructions of his mother and brought a meal for Yitzchak to eat. Then, Yitzchak gave him the Beracha.

The Pasuk says that the moment Yakov left the room, Esav walked in without seeing him. He had a plate of food. He said: "Get up, my Father, and eat what I made you, so that you can give me a blessing." At that moment, Yitzchak realized what had just happened- that he gave Esav's blessing away to Yakov. Rabbi Lugassi pointed out, what would a father usually do at that point to try to keep the peace between the children? He would probably say: "Thank you, but I am not so hungry right now. Come here anyway, I will give you a Beracha."

What did Yitzchak do? The Pasuk says: "ויחרד יצחק חרדה"- He trembled with fear. Then he said: "Somebody else came here already, and I gave him your Beracha, Esav. "גם ברוך יהיה"- And he should keep that blessing. Instead of putting out the fire, he added fuel to it. Esav then screamed a bitter cry, and said: "Please, Dad. Give me a Beracha also." Seemingly, Yitzchak should say: "Okay, I will give you a different Beracha. Don't worry." Instead, he said: "Sorry, your brother came and he outsmarted you. He took your Beracha." Esav then says: "This is the second time Yakov took something from me- first, the rights to the firstborn, and now my Beracha. Please father, I am sure there is some blessing you can give me."

Again, instead of smoothing it over, Yitzchak ignites the fire even more. He said: "Esav, what can I tell you? I already made your brother, Yaakov, the master, and you, his slave." Why did Yitzchak cause Esav to hate Yaakov like this? Rabbi Lugassi said, based on the Chatam Sofer, that until now, although Yitzchak knew of the evils of Esav, he thought he could still coexist with Yakov. He thought that Esav would earn the money, and Yaakov would learn Torah. Now, "ויחרד יצחק חרדה"- Yitzchak trembled with fear, because Hashem showed him from heaven that Yaakov and Esav had to be separated. They could never coexist. This is the way it has to be. That is why Hashem wanted Yaakov to take the blessings in that way- to cause the rift between them.

Yitzchak took the message and followed the will of Hashem and made sure that they would always be separated. From that day on, "הלכה עשו שונא ליעקב"- Esav will always hate Yakov.

We live at a time when anti-Semitism is growing,ה' ישמור. The way to deal with it is to recognize that Hashem is behind it. We need to get closer to Him, because it is all in His hands anyway. May Hashem protect us, remove all of our enemies, and bring the Mashiach, quickly in our days, Amen.