Helping a Parent in Olam Ha-Emes

Importance of a child not fumbling through things that ostensibly bring honor but actually bring shame to deceased parents.

Did Avraham’s zechus apply towards Terach, a father who educated Avram in a manner diametrically opposite to the one that Avraham chose for himself as the beloved of HaShem?

The Chofetz Chaim on not wasting money on extravagant tombstones, but rather using funds to establish gemachs and the like. 

The value for the deceased of donating Torah volumes to Yeshivahs in their honor.

Novel interpretation of the Sefer Chasidim’s position regarding helping a parent’s soul when that parent lacks positive mitzvos in their portfolio.

Citations: This shiur references the Gemara Brachos 18b, Pele Yo’etz, erech kibud av v’eim, Ramban al HaTorah Breishis 11:32, Sefer Ahavas Chesed, 2nd chelek, chapter 15.