Kabbalah, Free Choice

The pre-requisites for proper understanding of Kabbalah are nearly impossible to achieve.  Our desire to gain this profound knowledge often leads to inaccurate notions.  Chassidic sefarim often blend together nigleh and nistar without any demarcation.  Kabalistic terms and references are always used without explaining them!  A mesorah is required.

The enduring legacy of a tzadik, versus the erasure of the legacy of a rasha.

The centrality of free choice in Judaism.  A worldview that holds that all existence is the result of random events provides the foundation for a life of denial of Hashem and consequent immorality.

Citations: In addition to the commentaries on Mishlei, this shiur cites Gemara Yoma 38b and Gemara Chagiga 12b each with Maharsha Chidushei Agados, Medrash Rabbah Breishis: Noach 30th parsha, Rambam Hilchos Teshuva 3:4.