Insights into Mitzvas Ahavas Hashem

Explanation of the enigmatic connection between Shir HaShirim and Mishlei.   Stages of growth in serving Hashem: fear, then higher up is love, then the highest level is fear which tops even love.  Discussion of the ‘higher’ fear.

Discussion of the demands of the mitzvah of ahavas Hashem which applies to all Jews.  The obligation to transcend our limited conceptions and aspirations.

The trajectory of world history as a progression from a rarely-attained lovesick attachment to Hashem, to an ultimate universal loving bond with Him.  Shir HaShirim describes the ultimate worldwide emotion, and Mishlei describe the expression of it in behavior, of the steps to becoming a tsaddik.

Citations: In addition to the commentary of the Vilna Gaon, this shiur cites the Radak on Tehillim 65:2, 3 and Rambam Hilchos Teshuvah 10:1-3.