Insights into the Structure of Sefer Mishlei

Structure of the verses in the 2nd section of Mishlei.

Chochmah helps us identify the hevel of the world as a foreign value.  But it doesn’t address inertia and the yetzer to do wrong.  Waging war to overcome our lower selves is the realm of mussar.

The third section of Mishlei is having the correct instruments of war and awareness of the danger of battling the yetzer hara not according to Torah.  Guidance for proper growth.

The importance of becoming an eved to Hashem before becoming a child to Hashem.

Equilibrium and extremes.

Discussion of why never resting on one’s laurels is what makes a person happy. 

Citations:  In addition to the Biur HaGra, this shiur references Aderes Eliyahu on Breishis 4:7, Sefer Ruach Chaim on Avos 1:13, and Rav Tzadok HaKohane’s Likutei Ma’amarim page 185.