413. Tefillin in the Bathhouse

Tefillin, Mezuzah v’Sefer Torah 4:22

It is permitted to wear tefillin in rooms of a bathhouse where people stand dressed. In rooms where some people stand naked and some stand dressed, one need not remove his tefillin but he should not put them on there. In rooms where everyone is naked, one must remove his tefillin and he certainly may not put them on there.

Tefillin, Mezuzah v’Sefer Torah 4:23

One may not walk in a cemetery wearing his head tefillin. Even outside the cemetery, one should remove his tefillin when passing within four cubits (about six feet) of a corpse or a grave, until he passes to four cubits beyond them. One may not wear tefillin naked; he must cover his genitals and get dressed first. One who is carrying a load on his head should remove his head tefillin until he has placed his load down. One may not even wear a handkerchief around his head while wearing tefillin, though one may wear a hat over his tefillin.