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Sheviis 6:2-3

Sheviis 6:2

In Syria (territory annexed to Israel by King David), one may work with detached sabbatical produce but not with produce still attached to the ground. Permitted activities include threshing, winnowing, treading grapes and binding sheaves; prohibited activities include harvesting, gathering grapes and picking olives. Rabbi Akiva stated a general principle: whatever may be done in an unusual fashion in Israel may be done in the normal manner in Syria.

Sheviis 6:3

If rain fell on onions (planted in the sixth year) causing them to sprout (in the sabbatical), if their leaves are black, they are prohibited (because this is a sign that they are produce of the sabbatical year) but if the leaves are green, they are permitted. Rabbi Chanina ben Antigonus says that if the onions can be pulled out by their leaves, they are prohibited (as sabbatical produce) but that onions that grew this way from the sabbatical year into the eighth year are permitted (as produce of the eighth year).

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz