366. Prompting the Kohanim

Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 14:4

When the kohanim complete all three blessings, the shaliach tzibbur starts his recitation of the last bracha of Shemoneh Esrei, which is Sim Shalom. The kohanim turn to face the aron and they close their fingers. They continue standing on the platform until the shaliach tzibbur finishes the bracha, after which they return to their seats.

Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 14:5

The person prompting the kohanim may not do so until the amen recited by the congregation can no longer be heard. The kohanim may not start reciting the bracha until the prompt from the shaliach tzibbur can no longer be heard. The congregation may not respond amen until the bracha of the kohanim can no longer be heard. The kohanim may not start the next bracha until the amen of the community can no longer be heard. The shaliach tzibbur does not recite amen to the blessings of the kohanim along with the congregation because he might get confused and lose his place, not knowing whether to start prompting the kohanim with the second blessing or the third.