367. Where to Look During Duchening

Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 14:6

The kohanim may not turn away from the congregation until the shaliach tzibbur starts to recite Sim Shalom, nor may they leave their places until the shaliach tzibbur finishes reciting Sim Shalom. Similarly, they may not close their fingers until they turn away from the congregation. One of the rules instituted by Ezra is that the kohanim should not recite birkas kohanim wearing shoes; rather, they do so barefoot. (Editor’s note: Our custom is in socks.)

Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 14:7

When the kohanim are blessing the people, they should not look at them or get distracted. Rather, they should look down towards the ground like one does when reciting Shemoneh Esrei. The congregation should not look at the faces of the kohanim while they’re blessing the people, in order that they not distract them. Rather, the congregation should pay careful attention to the blessings, facing the kohanim without actually looking at their faces.