358. The Reading for Chol HaMoed Succos

Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 13:13

On each day of chol hamoed Succos, we read two sections. For example, on the first day of chol hamoed, which is the third day of Succos, the kohein reads “On the second day,” the Levi reads “On the third day,” the third aliyah repeats “On the third day,” and the fourth aliyah repeats both “On the second day” and “On the third day.” On the second day of chol hamoed, which is the fourth day of Succos, the same thing is done with “On the third day” and “On the fourth day,” and so on throughout the holiday.

Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 13:14

At shacharis on every Festival, on Yom Kippur, and all seven days of Pesach, two Torah scrolls are used. We read the sections we have discussed so far from the first scroll; from the second scroll, we read from the Book of Numbers about the sacrifices that were offered on that occasion. The person who reads about the sacrifices also recites the haftarah.