Unexpected Salvation

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Chazal compare earning a livelihood and getting married to the splitting of the ים סוף -Red Sea. Rav Bunim explained the comparison as follows. The Jewish people were trapped at the Red Sea. The Egyptians were behind them, wild animals were on either side and the sea was in front of them. They cried out to Hashem for help. They knew Hashem could save them in a miraculous way.

Some were probably thinking that Hashem would strike the Egyptians down once again. Others may have been thinking that He would plague the animals, as He did in Egypt. However, nobody could ever have imagined that Hashem would split the sea in front of them and they would walk through on dry land. That's the same way it is when it comes to parnassa and marriage. In these areas, the road to success can be very difficult.

A person could feel trapped, not knowing where his salvation will come from. He cries and prays to Hashem for help. He thinks that there are only a certain amount of opportunities left, and after that, it's hopeless. Then Hashem comes and brings salvation in the least expected way. He comes up with solutions that we could never have imagined. It's so exhilarating to experience ישועת השם, and we hope everyone sees their salvation very soon.

A woman told me that she and her husband married off a child, and it was very costly. She even borrowed $1,500 dollars from one of her friends to pay for a certain expense. Now she had to pay her back. She didn't want to bother her husband with this burden, as he was already struggling to pay his own bills. She had no way to earn the money herself. She turned to her Father in Heaven and said, "Hashem, I don't know how, but please, send me $1,500. I told my friend I would pay her back by a certain date, and I always keep my word." She prayed like this every day.

A few days later, she gets a phone call from a jewelry store located minutes from her home. They said they found some old jewelry of hers, which she had once brought here to be appraised. They asked her to come to the store. When she arrived, they told her that she had given them the jewelry ten years ago. They said, "We both must have forgotten about it. We found it while we were cleaning and reorganizing. It says here that we appraised it then for $500. However, right now it's worth $1,500. Do you still want to sell it?" The woman couldn't believe what she was hearing. She said yes and on the spot received exactly $1,500 in cash. "It was amazing. I needed $1,500. I asked Hashem, and He had it waiting for me right down the block."

Yes, yeshuot in parnassa come in the least expected ways. Another woman told me that she was recently having financial struggles and needed to pay a certain bill immediately. She and her husband were waiting for someone else to pay them back, but it didn't look like it was going to come anytime soon. Without any cash available to them, their only choice was to sell an investment they had made, which was something they really did not want to do. In order to do it, she had to send some signed documents by overnight mail. She went to the post office, but they told her, "Sorry. Our computers are down today. We can't send overnight." Now they were really in trouble. The bill was due the next day and there was nowhere else to draw money from. She came home from the post office and opened her mail. She saw a check from National Grid for $2,300, with a letter stating that they had been overcharging her this past year, and this was her refund. That was more than enough for their current bill . What are the odds? National Grid discovers a mistake and sends out the check exactly the day they need the money.

Hashem brings us yeshuot in ways we could never imagine. How fortunate are we that He is the one taking care of us all the time.

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