How to Get Close to Hashem?

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Nothing is better for a person than to be close to Hashem. The highest level of closeness is achieved through prayer. Chazal tell us that our אמהות (Matriarchs) were barren because Hashem desired their prayers. Some would ask, is it fair that the אמהות should suffer because Hashem wanted their prayers? That question stems from a lack of understanding and appreciation of how great it is to get close to Hashem. Our entire purpose in this world is to get as close to Hashem as possible. Through their prayers, the אמהות achieved the highest levels of קרבת  אלוקים (closeness to Hashem).

A boy who was very sick said that during his illness, every one of his prayers was like Neilah on Yom Kippur. He never felt as close to Hashem as he did then. Situations that force a person to pray extra hard are good for him. We pray not to be challenged only because we are afraid of not handling it properly. However, if a person does find himself in a situation where he needs a salvation, he should use the opportunity to get as close to Hashem as he can.

Moreover, a person should not get depressed if he doesn't see an answer to his prayers. First, the Rabbis tell us that every prayer is answered and will be used to bring about a benefit. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but eventually it will be used. It could be for us, our children, or the Jewish People at large. More importantly, the prayers themselves are accomplishing far more than the fulfillment of the request. They are bringing us closer to our Creator.

Nonetheless, our Rabbis have given us advice on how to make our tefilot more effective and see the answers we want, quicker. It says in Tehilim (Ch. 86),הַטֵּה-ה' אָזְנְךָ עֲנֵנִיִּ כי-עָנִי וְאֶבְיוֹן אָנִי ," Hashem, listen to me and answer my prayer, because I am poor and destitute." When it comes to prayer, even David HaMelech viewed himself as poor and destitute. Even for a king, one of the first steps in prayer is to honestly feel that one is helpless and has nothing without Hashem.

In addition, Rav Wolbe writes in his book Ale Shor, the effectiveness of a tefila is not dependent on whether the person praying is a tzadik or a rasha (wicked). Rather, it is dependent on how sincere the person is. Like it says in the pasuk (Tehilim 145), קָרוֹב ה' לְכָל-קֹרְאָיו לְכֹל אֲשֶׁר יִקְרָאֻהוּ בֶאֱמֶת. The sincerity of a prayer is a function of how much emotion and emunah is invested in it. We must recognize that Hashem is right in front of us, listening to every word and can help in an instant. There is no one else besides Him that could help.

It says in Shemot that the Jewish People cried out in prayer to Hashem in Mitzrayim, וַתַּעַל שַׁוְעָתָם אֶל הָאֱלֹקים, and they got what they asked for. The Seforno writes, it wasn't because they made teshuva or because they improved their ways. The heartfelt prayers alone saved them. The Rambam writes, as well, that the Jews were not worthy of leaving Egypt; yet, because of their prayers, Hashem saved them.

Rav Yechezkel Levenstein writes that although we have a lot of special mitzvot including Talmud Torah (Torah Study) which is כנגד כולם ( greater than all), when it comes to saving a person from trouble, prayer has a greater power than anything else.

Tefila helps not only for physical needs. Rabbi Dessler writes, normally, when it comes to spirituality, reaching a high level requires years of toil in Torah, mitzvot and character improvement. Nevertheless, there is, what he calls, קפיצת הדרך (a shortcut), through which a person could reach high levels very quickly. How? By sincerely asking and begging Hashem to lift him up and bring him closer to Him. Someone who feels low and distant can use tefila and become so elevated. This, he says, is a חידוש גדול, a great novelty. Similarly, The Derech Hashem writes that one of the great kindnesses of Hashem is that He allowed even the most distant person to rise to the highest levels just by asking Him for it.

Tefila is wondrous. It can provide our physical and spiritual needs. Most importantly, it can bring us closer to Hashem. The opportunity for tefila is equal for everyone-whether a person is a tzadik or just a simple Jew who needs something from his Father. What matters the most is that the person is sincere.

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