190. Removing Body Hair

Avodas Kochavim 12:8

It is permitted for a man to shave his mustache as well as the hair under his lower lip. Even though it is permitted to remove this hair, the practice is not to destroy it completely. Rather, it may be trimmed so as not to interfere with one’s eating and drinking.

Avodas Kochavim 12:9

The Torah does not prohibit a man removing body hair, including armpit hair and pubic hair, but it is prohibited rabbinically. If a man removed this hair, he would be given stripes for acting rebelliously. This is the case in places where the practice is only for women to remove this hair; in such a situation, a man who does so would be beautifying himself in the manner of women. In places where the practice is for both men and women to remove such hair, one would not be given stripes. In all places, it is permitted to remove hair from the limbs by using scissors.