189. Shaving the Beard

Avodas Kochavim 12:6

The Sages did not specify how much hair must be left on the corners of the temples. Some previous authorities reported that one must leave at least forty hairs. One may remove hairs from the corners of his head by using a pair of scissors. The prohibition against rounding only applies to the total destruction of hair caused by a razor.

Avodas Kochavim 12:7

Idolatrous priests typically removed their beards, so the Torah prohibited this. There are five corners on the beard: the upper and lower cheeks on both sides, plus the chin. One would be liable for the penalty of lashes for removing each corner. If someone removed all five corners at once, he would be liable for five sets of lashes. One would only be liable for shaving with a razor, as per Leviticus 19:27, “Do not destroy the corners of your beard.” If a person removed his beard using scissors, he is exempt.

If a person allowed himself to be shaved, he would not be liable for the penalty of lashes unless he assisted in the act. A woman with facial hair is permitted to shave it. A woman who shaves a man’s beard is exempt.