176. Selling Real Estate to Idolators

Avodas Kochavim 10:2

One may not offer medical treatment to an idolator even for pay. If one fears that refusal will create ill will, he may do so for pay but not for free. A non-Jew who does not worship idols may be treated even for free.

Avodas Kochavim 10:3

It is prohibited to sell homes and fields in Israel to idolators; in Syria (which was once annexed to Israel), one could sell them homes but not fields. One may rent homes in Israel to idolators so long as an idolatrous neighborhood is not established. Fewer than three homes is not a neighborhood. One may not rent fields to idolators in Israel but one may do so in Syria.

There are two reasons why the Sages were stricter when it came to fields. (1) selling or renting to idolators removes the obligation to take tithes from the produce of these fields and (2) doing so enables them to settle in our land. It is permitted to sell houses and fields to idolators outside of Israel because that’s not our land.