175. Treaties with Idolatrous Nations

Avodas Kochavim 9:18

If a Jew attends a fair of idolators, it is forbidden to do business with him on his way back. This is because he may have sold an idol to one of them and it is prohibited to derive benefit from a Jew’s proceeds from selling an idol. One may, however, derive benefit from an idolator’s proceeds from such a sale. One may therefore conduct business with an idolator returning from such a fair. It is prohibited to conduct business with an apostate Jew whether he is on the way to or returning from such a fair.

Avodas Kochavim 10:1

We may not draw up a treaty to establish peace with Canaanite nations if it allows them to continue worshipping idols. Deuteronomy 7:2 says, “Do not forge a covenant with them.” Rather, they must renounce their idolatry. We may not have mercy on them, as the verse continues, “Do not be gracious to them.” If we see an idolator in danger, we should not assist him. One may not, however, push him into a pit or anything like that since he is not attacking us.