164. Jews Cannot Nullify Idols

Avodas Kochavim 8:8

One may derive benefit from an idol that belongs to a non-Jew so long as its status as an idol was nullified before the Jew took possession of it. Deuteronomy 7:25 says, “You must burn the statues of their gods with fire” – that is, you must burn them when they are treated as gods when we take possession of them. If their status as “gods” was nullified, they are permitted.

Avodas Kochavim 8:9

An idol belonging to a Jew cannot be nullified. Even if the Jew owns the idol in partnership with a non-Jew, such nullification is ineffective. It is prohibited to derive benefit from such an idol forever and it must be hidden away. Similarly, when an idol belonging to a non-Jew comes into the possession of a Jew and is subsequently nullified by a non-Jew, the nullification is ineffective and it is forbidden to benefit from the idol forever.

A Jew cannot nullify an idol that is owned by a non-Jew. A non-Jew who is a minor or mentally incompetent cannot nullify an idol. If a non-Jew is forced to nullify an idol against his will, the nullification is not effective. This is true whether the idol belongs to him or to other non-Jews, and it makes no difference if the ones compelling him are Jewish. The non-Jew who nullifies an idol must be an idolator. If he is not an idolator, the nullification is ineffective.

When an idol is nullified, its accessories are also nullified. If the accessories are nullified, one is permitted to derive benefit from them but the idol remains forbidden until it is nullified. Something that was offered to an idol can never be nullified.