163. The Coverings of Idols

Avodas Kochavim 8:6

One must destroy an idol - and the things prohibited because of an idol, like its accessories and offerings - by grinding them up and scattering them to the wind, or by burning them and throwing the ashes into the Dead Sea.

Avodas Kochavim 8:7

Something that cannot be manipulated by a human being, like a mountain, an animal, or a tree, remains permitted even if someone worshipped it as an idol. However, it becomes prohibited to derive benefit from such an item's coverings. One who derives benefit from them, no matter how insignificant, is liable for the penalty of lashes for violating the prohibition of Deuteronomy 7:25, “Do not desire the silver and gold that are on them.” Any covering on an idol is considered one of its accessories.