159. Idols with Bathhouses; Bathhouses with Idols

Avodas Kochavim 7:17

If an idol has a bathhouse or a garden, one may derive benefit from it so long as he does not express gratitude. If one must express gratitude for the service, it is prohibited. If the garden or bathhouse is owned jointly by the place of idolatrous worship and another party, one may derive benefit from it even if he must express gratitude to the idolatrous priests but he may not pay a fee.

Avodas Kochavim 7:18

One may bathe in a bathhouse that contains an idol because it is only there for decoration, not to be served. This is derived from “their gods” (Deuteronomy 12:2, cited earlier), meaning only when they treat the idols as gods, as opposed to when they disrespect them, such as when an idol stands over a sewer and they urinate in front of it, as in a bathhouse. If the idol’s service actually involves doing such things, it would then be prohibited to enter the bathhouse.