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Tohoros 2:6-7

Tohoros 2:6

Second-degree impurity in non-sanctified food (chulin) conveys impurity to chulin liquids and invalidates trumah food. Third-degree impurity in trumah conveys impurity to kodesh (consecrated) liquids and invalidates kodesh food if they were prepared with a level of purity fit for kodesh. If they were prepared with a level of purity fit for trumah, then it conveys impurity to two and invalidates a third as kodesh.

Tohoros 2:7

Rabbi Elazar says that kodesh, trumah and chulin are the same: the first degree of impurity in all three conveys impurity to two and invalidates a third as kodesh; they convey impurity to one and invalidate a second as trumah; and they invalidate chulin. The second degree of impurity in all three conveys impurity to one and invalidates a second in the case of kodesh; it conveys impurity to chulin liquids and invalidates trumah food. The third degree of impurity in all three conveys impurity to kodesh liquids and invalidates kodesh food.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz