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Tohoros 2:8-3:1

Tohoros 2:8

One who eats food of second-degree impurity should not work in an olive press. Non-sanctified food (chulin) that was prepared with a degree of purity suitable for consecrated food (kodesh) is like regular chulin (i.e., second-degree impurity doesn’t render it a third degree). Rabbi Elazar bar Tzadok says that it’s like trumah, conveying impurity to two and invalidating a third.

Tohoros 3:1

Broth, ground beans and milk are unclean in the first degree of impurity when they are wet enough to moisten something on contact; if they congeal, they’re unclean in the second degree. If they turn liquid again and their volume was exactly that of an egg, they’re clean; if more than that, they remain unclean because as soon as the first drop came out, it was rendered unclean through contact with the volume of an egg.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz