55. How to Sleep

Deios 4:5

A person should not sleep on his stomach or on his back, but on his side. One should sleep on his left side at the start of the night and on his right side at the end of the night. One should not go to sleep too soon after eating; one should wait three or four hours. A person should not sleep during the day.

Deios 4:6

Foods that have a laxative effect, like grapes, figs, pears, melons, certain cucumbers and zucchinis, etc., should be eaten before the meal rather than with the main meal. One should wait until they have gone down from his upper stomach before eating his meal. Foods that have a constipating effect, like pomegranates, apples, etc., should be eaten immediately after the meal, and not in large amounts.

Editor’s note: The Rambam lived in the 12th century and his medical advice incorporates the best knowledge of his day. Consult your rabbi with any questions involving practical application of these halachos.