56. What to Eat When

Deios 4:7

If a person wants to eat poultry and meat at the same, he should eat the poultry first. Similarly, if he wants to eat both eggs and poultry, he should eat the eggs first. If he wants to eat the meat of large animals and that of small animals, he should eat the meat of the small animals first. The general rule is that one should eat the lighter thing before the heavier thing.

Deios 4:8

In the summer, one should eat his food mild, with vinegar and not too spicy. In the winter, one should season his food with spices, and eat mustard and peppers. These rules should be applied appropriately to hot and cold climates, preparing food in the manner best suited to each.

Editor’s note: The Rambam lived in the 12th century and his medical advice incorporates the best knowledge of his day. Consult your rabbi with any questions involving practical application of these halachos.