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Tohoros 1:7-8

Tohoros 1:7

Regarding pieces of dough or loaves that are stuck together, if one of them is rendered unclean through vermin, all of them are unclean in the first degree; if they are then separated, they are still unclean in the first degree. If one of them was rendered unclean by a liquid, they are all unclean in the second degree; if they were then separated, they are still unclean in the second degree. If one of them was rendered unclean by one’s hands, they are all unclean in the third degree; if they were then separated, they are still unclean in the third degree.

Tohoros 1:8

If a piece of dough had first-degree impurity and other pieces got attached to it, they are all made unclean in the first degree. If they were then separated, the original piece remains unclean in the first degree but the others are now unclean in the second degree. If the original piece was unclean in the second degree and other pieces were attached to it, they are all made unclean in the second degree. If they were separated, the original piece remains unclean in the second degree but the others are now unclean in the third degree. If the original piece was unclean in the third degree and other pieces were attached to it, the original remains unclean in the third degree while the others remain clean. This is so regardless of whether or not they were subsequently separated.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz