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Tohoros 1:9-2:1

Tohoros 1:9

Regarding sanctified loaves whose hollows hold sanctified water, if one was rendered impure by vermin, all attached loaves are rendered impure. If the loaves are trumah, impurity is conveyed to two loaves and the third is invalidated. If there was liquid dripping between the loaves, all are rendered impure even in the case of trumah.

Tohoros 2:1

Let’s say that a woman who was pickling vegetables in a pot touched a leaf outside the pot on a dry spot. Even if the leaf was the volume of an egg, only it is rendered unclean while everything in the pot remains clean. If she touched it on a wet spot and the leaf was the volume of an egg, everything in the pot is also rendered unclean. If the leaf wasn’t the volume of an egg, only it is rendered unclean while everything in the pot remains clean; if it’s returned to the pot, the contents of the pot are rendered unclean. Let’s say that the woman was unclean from contact with a person who had corpse impurity and she touched the leaf on either a wet or dry spot. If the leaf was the volume of an egg, everything is rendered unclean; if not, only it is rendered unclean while the contents of the pot remain clean. Let’s say that a woman immersed by day and is awaiting nightfall to be purified. If she emptied the pot with unclean hands and saw some liquid on them, and she doesn’t know whether it splashed there from the pot or whether a stalk touched her hands, the vegetables are invalidated (as trumah) but the pot remains clean.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz