Life-Long Ascent

The purpose of life is to improve one’s middos. The belief in the possibility of improvement, coupled with laboring to its attainment, are a source of simchas ha-chaim. Even a non-believer may want to rise above the animal, to satisfy their physical needs in a way that is distinct from the way animals do. The Jew is called upon to rise above even the human, and to dedicate the fulfilment of his physical needs to the service of Hashem. Anchors keep a person bound to this earthly world. Value and shortcomings of biographies of Gedolei Yisroel. The transformation of the metaphor of Hashem’s all-seeing eye into the reality of our technologically advanced life.

Citations: In addition to the commentaries on Mishlei, this shiur also cites Gemara Baba Basra 165a.