The Exalted Status - and Spiritual Vulnerability - of Baalei Teshuvah

Even sins stemming from physical desire are rebellious, because had fear of Hashem been great enough, he would not have sinned. Acute, immediate fear of punishment ‘overwrites’ all lust and criminal thought.

Discussion of advertising’s affects on a person’s refinement, and the obliteration of tsnius in the realm of tzedakah.

The process of "teshuvah" from a completely secular lifestyle versus from a mainly religious lifestyle.

A letz trivializes things that are holy, which is the opening step to sin. He creates an environment which supports that outlook and converts his life into triviality.

The brocha to the anav is that he will be able to discern kedushah in places that most people think there is none.

Citations: Gemara Nazir 2a, Shulchan Aruch Orach Chayim 494:3 with Mishneh Berurah, Chiddusei HaRashba Menachos 29b.