1,269. An Onen During Sefiras Ha'Omer

196:18 One who is an onen at night when it is time to count the omer does not count at night, but by day after the burial. He counts without a bracha and on the following nights he resumes counting with a bracha. If he sees during that day that he will continue to be an onen into the night, then he should count - even as an onen - without a bracha. This is so that he should not lose the ability to count on the rest of the nights with a bracha. The case of an onen on Purim is discussed in 141:21.

196:19 If a person died in prison and the authorities refuse to return the body for burial unless a large fee is paid, then the status of an onen does not apply to his relatives. The status of mourning also doesn't apply to them because they haven't given up trying to bury the deceased and they hope to reach an agreement with the authorities. Similarly, if the relatives of the deceased are in prison and unable to involve themselves in funeral plans, the status of an onen does not apply to them.