3,369. Pickling Terumah With Chullin
Terumos 15:9
If someone pickles secular vegetables together with terumah vegetables, they are permitted to non-kohanim except for onions, scallions and garlic (which are sharp). If someone pickled secular vegetables together with terumah onions, or secular onions with terumah onions, they are prohibited to non-kohanim. If one pickled terumah vegetables with a secular onion, the onion remains permitted to non-kohanim.
Terumos 15:10
Regarding secular olives that were pickled with terumah olives, if both kinds were crushed, or if the secular olives were crushed and the terumah olives were whole, or if they were pickled in terumah brine, then they are prohibited to non-kohanim. If both kinds of olive were whole, or if the terumah olives were crushed and secular olives were whole, the secular olives remain permitted. This is because it’s crushed olives that absorb taste from whole olives.