3,322. What We May Not Do With Terumah

Terumos 11:2

One is permitted to compact dates of terumah into a cake, but he may not make beer from them. Similarly, we don’t turn dates into honey, or make vinegar from apples, wine or autumn fruits. We likewise don’t change other produce of terumah from their natural forms except for olives and grapes. If one violated the law by turning a food into a beverage, he should drink it. If a non-kohein inadvertently eats date honey, apple wine or some similar product of terumah produce, he need not repay it; if he ate the thing intentionally, he is given stripes for acting rebelliously.

Terumos 11:3

One may not put dried dates or figs into brine (which ruins them), but one may put wine into brine (for flavor enhancement). We don’t put aromatic spices in oil because this removes the oil from being food and makes it exclusively for anointing. One may mix wine, honey, pepper, etc. for eating.