3,307. Feeding Terumah to a Bechor

Terumos 9:8

Let’s say that a Yisroel receives a cow from a kohein in order to fatten it up. He has it appraised so that they can split the increase in its value. In such a case, he may not feed it terumah even though the kohein has a share in its profits. Conversely, if a kohein receives a cow from a Yisroel in order to fatten it up and has it appraised, he may feed it terumah. This is because, while the Yisroel has a share in the profits, the cow itself belongs to the kohein, who is responsible for its value.

Terumos 9:9

When the cow of a Yisroel delivers a firstborn, he may feed it terumah because the firstborn belongs to the kohanim. One may store pulse of terumah in his dove coop without concern that his doves will eat it. [He may not feed it to doves, but one need not be concerned that wild animals or birds will eat terumah on their own initiative.]