3,306. Feeding Terumah to a Rented Animal

Terumos 9:6

Let’s say that someone drafts a document transferring his property, including servants, to someone else. He gives the document to a third party to accept on behalf of the intended recipient. The intended recipient says nothing at the time, but he later objects. We don’t know whether his objection reflects his position at the time of the intended transfer, with the result that the servants never left the domain of their original master, or if his objection is intended to renounce his original acceptance. Because of this doubt, the servants may not eat terumah, whether the first master was a kohein and the second a Yisroel or vice versa.

Terumos 9:7

If a Yisroel rents an animal from a kohein, he may feed it terumah. If a kohein rents an animal from a Yisroel, he may not feed it terumah. This is because, even though he is obligated to feed the rented animal, he has not actually acquired it.