3,279. May a Former Captive Eat Terumah?

Terumos 6:10

The preceding halacha applies not only to a kohein’s daughter, but also to the daughter of a Levi or a Yisroel. If she engages in intimacy with one of the prohibited relations, she may never eat terumah, even if she has a child with a kohein.

Terumos 6:11

Pursuant to this, a woman who was taken captive may not eat terumah under the assumption that she was sexually assaulted, even if she maintains otherwise. In a case where a captive woman’s word is sufficient (such as when she volunteers that she was captured) or when there’s a witness that she wasn’t assaulted and remains permitted to her husband, she remains able to eat terumah. If a woman commits an act of bestiality, it doesn’t impact her ability to marry a kohein and she may eat terumah.