3,253. The Point at Which a Minor's Terumah is Valid

Terumos 4:5

When a minor reaches the age when his vows are effective, what he separates as terumah is valid. This is so even if he has not yet developed the signs of maturity or reached the age of majority, and it applies even to terumah at the Biblical level. This is because their vows and consecrations are effective under Biblical law as was discussed in Hilchos Nedarim.

Terumos 4:6

Let’s say that someone instructs his agent to go separate terumah for him and the agent goes, but the person doesn’t know if the agent has separated the terumah. If he learns that terumah was taken from the granary, we don’t assume that the agent took terumah. This is because when it comes to prohibitions, we don’t apply the concept that an agent can be assumed to have fulfilled his duty in order to be lenient; we only do so to be stringent. In a case such as this, we must be concerned that another person may have taken terumah without the owner’s permission.