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Menachos 13:3-4

Menachos 13:3

If a person obligates himself to donate wood to the Temple, he may not give less than two logs (“log” as in logs of wood, not the Biblical measure of volume). If a person obligates himself to donate frankincense, he may not give less than a handful. There are five situations with a minimum volume of a handful: (1) one who obligates himself to donate frankincense may not give less than a handful; (2) one who obligates himself to offer a freewill flour offering must include a handful of frankincense; (3) if a person offered the handful of a flour offering outside the Temple courtyard, he is liable to kareis (excision); and (4-5) the two dishes of showbread frankincense must be of a handful each.

Menachos 13:4

If a person obligates himself to donate gold to the Temple, he may not give less than one dinar of gold; of silver, he may not give less than one dinar of silver. If he pledges copper, he may not give less than a ma’ah of silver’s worth (a ma’ah being one-sixth of a silver dinar). If a person knows that he pledged something but he doesn’t remember what, he must donate until he reaches a point that he certainly never intended.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz