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Menachos 13:5-6

Menachos 13:5

If a person obligates himself to donate wine to the Temple, he may not give less than three log (as in the Biblical measure of volume and not logs of wood). If he pledged oil, he may not give less than one log, though Rebbi says three log. If a person knows that he pledged something but he doesn’t remember what, he must donate as much as is used on the day when the most of that item is offered (which is the first day of Succos when it coincides with Shabbos).

Menachos 13:6

If a person obligates himself to bring a burnt offering, he must bring a sheep. Rabbi Elazar ben Azariah says that he must bring either a pigeon or a dove. If a person knows that he pledged from cattle but he doesn’t remember what, he must bring a bull and a calf; if he knows that he pledged a herd animal but he doesn’t remember what, he must bring a bull, a calf, a ram, a kid and a sheep. If he knows that he pledged something but he doesn’t remember what, he must bring all of these plus a pigeon and a dove.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz