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Menachos 5:4-5

Menachos 5:4

One is liable on account of oil and on account of frankincense individually. If one puts oil where it doesn’t belong, he renders the offering invalid; if he puts frankincense where it doesn’t belong, he must remove it. If he put oil on the remainder of a flour offering, he doesn’t violate a prohibition. If he put a vessel of oil over the vessel of a flour offering that doesn’t take oil, he does not invalidate the offering.

Menachos 5:5

Some things require bringing near but not waving, some just waving, some just bringing near, and some neither. These require bringing near but not waving: a flour offering of fine flour, of the frying pan, of the deep-fry pan, of cakes, of wafers, of kohanim, the daily flour offering of the Kohein Gadol, a flour offering of non-Jews, of women, and a sinner's flour offering. Rabbi Shimon says that a flour offering of kohanim and the daily flour offering of the Kohein Gadol do not require bringing near because a handful is not taken from them, and whatever doesn’t require a handful being taken also doesn’t require bringing near.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz