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Menachos 5:2-3

Menachos 5:2

All flour offerings are kneaded in lukewarm water and the kohein watches them to ensure that they don’t leaven. If the remainders of the offerings (i.e., the parts eaten by the kohanim) leaven, he violates a prohibition as per Leviticus 2:11, "No flour offering that you bring to Hashem shall be made with leaven.” One is liable for kneading, rolling or baking it in a leavened state.

Menachos 5:3

Some flour offerings require both oil and frankincense, some just oil, some just frankincense, and some neither. These require both oil and frankincense: a flour offering of fine flour, of the frying pan, of the deep-fry pan, of cakes, of wafers, of kohanim, the daily flour offering of the Kohein Gadol, a flour offering of non-Jews, of women, and the flour offering of the omer. The flour offering of libations requires oil but not frankincense. The showbread requires frankincense but not oil. The two loaves of Shavuos, a sinner's flour offering and the flour offering of jealousy (i.e., the sotah) take neither oil nor frankincense.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz